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Resources page

Resources page allows creating, importing, editing, and managing Resources. 

It is represented by a configurable table.

By default, the General info view is used, showing only the Resource name, Email, Status, Type, Role, Tags  and Linked System columns.  

The Search option allows you to find the Resources you need quickly. For more details, please refer to the 'How to use the Search option' article. 

Using the View selector in the upper right part of the screen, you can create a customized view and manually select the columns to display.

The list of your Resources can be filtered using the Filter field in the upper right part of the screen. Using this control item, you can also create filter presets. Active/Inactive filters are available for your convenience to quickly sort the Resources by their status. 

Five views are available on the Resources page: table, hours, percent, FTE, and chart (to review Resource utilization). 

You can review the Resources timeline by day, week, month, quarter, or year. You can also select the time period to review the information.

The Time Type can be selected as well: Planned, Capacity, Actual, and Availability. 

Also, if you navigate to the needed period of the Resource, you can review the detailed information for this Resource for the selected period on the tooltips: Period, Resource capacity, Availability, the hours and Projects that the Resource is committed to, and proposed for, Overallocation.  

To edit a Resource or delete it, click on the ellipsis button, and choose Edit or Delete from the drop-down menu

Two statuses are available for Resources: Active and Inactive. Only active Resources can be assigned for tasks, key dates, risks, issues, etc. Inactive Resources do not appear in the list of available Resources when assigning them. However, if an active resource is assigned for tasks, as an example, all assignments will be preserved for this Resource if it becomes inactive (the time allocated for this Resource in the Project Plan section will also be preserved). 

The status for Resources can be changed per Resource (or if the linked user is deactivated). Also, if you select several Resources, the status can be changed in bulk as required for all of them.

To Bulk Edit or Bulk delete Resources, select the ones you need and click the Bulk Edit or Delete option as required. 

All users in PPM Express are linked to resources; if not manually, they are linked automatically. For more details, please refer to the article: How Resources are linked with Users in PPM Express.


Note: It is not possible to delete a Resource that is linked to any of the external systems PPM Express supports. Resource linked to a user cannot be deleted. 

If you would like to delete a Resource that is linked to any of the external systems, it is required to unlink it first and then delete it. However, if the Resource is used somewhere else in the system, for example in the Resource Plan project section, it will not be possible to delete it as well. It should be removed from the Resource Plan section first. If you need to delete a resource linked to the user, this should be done from the People Management page. 

It is also possible to apply a default layout to several Resources at one go by selecting the required Resources and clicking the Apply Default Layout button. In this case, a default layout of the Resource dashboard will be applied to the selected Resources. 

The Planning and Utilization button opens the Resource Utilization page, where you can review the allocation per Project (Program or Portfolio, depending on the Resource Planning level selected for the tenant) for the selected Resources. 

Reported Time option shows the time reported for the project tasks by the selected Resources. 

On the Resources Reported Time page, you can review the reported time for the selected resources. 

You can also export data to a CSV file for all resources on this page for the selected period. 

You can group the data by Resources or Projects and select the data for export accordingly, either by project or by resource. 

For example, if you group the data by Resource and select one resource for data export, the CSV file will include data for the selected resource across all projects where that resource has reported time within the chosen period.

On the Export to CSV page, you can choose the desired time period manually or apply predefined time period options to narrow the exported data. If you select 'All project time entries', all data for the chosen resources for all dates where selected resources have reported time for projects will be included in the CSV file. 

To add more resources to this page, use the 'Add Resource' button. 

If you don't see any projects for the selected resources, try changing the selected period. 

PPM Express Power BI Reports are available from the ellipsis button next to the selected Resource.

PPM Express provides more than 50 accurate and comprehensive Power BI reports with a graphical representation of PPM Express data.  

To start using PPM Express Power BI Reports, please follow the steps described in the 'Power BI reports ' article.  

If Resources are imported from Office 365, it is possible to configure mapping between the PPM Express Resources page and Azure Active Directory.  

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