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Objective Dashboard

Objective dashboard allows viewing and editing all the information about a specific Objective.

You can decide on the sections displayed on the Objective dashboard using the Configure Sections menu on the right. 

Clicking on the section names on the left, you can quickly jump to the required section. 

Please note: The section settings are shared between all Objectives within PPM Express. If you hide any section in one Objective dashboard, this section will not be visible in other Objective dashboards as well. 

Please note: To configure the sections within the Objective dashboard it is required to have Manage Configuration permission. 

Objective dashboard includes five sections by default: 

  • Summary
  • Key Results
  • Sub-Objectives
  • Contributed By
  • Details

On the Summary section, you can review the status, state of the Objective, its start value, target value, current value, and progress as soon as you open the Objective dashboard. 

There are three states available for Objectives: Open, Closed, Archived. You can close or archive the Objective using the button next to its status or from the Configure menu on the right. If the Objective is archived or closed, all items that the Objective includes become closed or archived accordingly. The status can be changed back to open at any time. 

It is also possible to delete the Objective from this page. 

The Objectives can be cloned (the copied Objective will have the following content: progress will be set to 0%, the status will be set to N/A, start and target values will be copied over, the current value will be copied from the start value).

Key Results section allows adding/deleting/editing/cloning the Key Results of the Objective. 

Also, you can move the selected Key Result to another Objective. The Objective where you move Key Result should be open. 

It is also possible to Import an existing Key Result to any other Objective. When you import any existing Key Result, a new Key Result will be created with the same name as the Key Result selected for import. It is possible to import Key Result only to the opened Objectives.

You can review the Key Results Target Value, Start Value, Current Value, State, and Progress in the Key Result section. 

Sub-Objectives section allows adding/deleting/editing/cloning the Sub-Objectives of the Objective. 

Also, you can move the Sub-Objective to another Objective or to the Top Level (the Sub-Objective will become an Objective in this case). The Objective where you move Sub-Objectives should be open.

It is also possible to Import an existing Sub-Objective to any other Objective. When you import any existing Sub-Objective, a new Sub-Objective will be created with the same name as the Sub-Objective selected for import (progress will be set to 0%, the status will be set to N/A, start and target values will be copied over, the current value will be copied from the start value). It is possible to import Sub-Objectives only to the opened Objectives.

On the Sub-Objective section, you can create new sub-Objectives, delete the unnecessary ones. 

Using the Configure Columns menu on the right you can add/hide the columns displayed for this section.

The Sub-Objectives section can be viewed as a table or timeline. 

Also, you can change the timeframe on the timeline view and select to review the Sub-Objectives timeline by days/weeks/months/quarters/years.

If you click on the Sub-Objective, the Sub-Objective dashboard will be opened. The Sub-Objective dashboard includes the same section as the Objective dashboard. You can provide all the required information for your Sub-Objective on this page. 

Contributed By section allows reviewing all contributing projects for this Objective (the projects where the Key Results of the Objective are added to the OKR project section). 

This section can be viewed as a table or timeline. 

Also, you can change the timeframe on the timeline view and select to review the Contributed By timeline by days/weeks/months/quarters/years. 

Using the Configure Columns menu on the right you can add/hide the columns displayed for this section. 

Using the filter on the right you can filter out the projects displayed in this section using default filters or creating custom filters. 

Details section allows providing detailed information for the Objective such as Name, Description, Manager, Start Date, Finish Date, State, Status, etc. 

You can add/hide the fields from this section using the Configure option on the right.

There are several Value Types available: 

  • Number
  • Percent
  • Money 
  • Flag (Yes/No)

There are several Calculation Types available for the Objective Progress. Calculation Type defines the method of the Objective progress calculation

Manual - progress is entered manually.

Calculated - progress (%) is calculated based on the following formulas that depend on the Start and Target Values, and the Objective Direction:  

  • If Objective Direction is set to “Growth” or “Reduction”: (Current Value - Start Value) / (Target Value - Start Value) * 100;
  • If Objective Direction is set to “Above Threshold”: Current Value >= Target Value = 100%, Current Value < Target Value = 0%;  
  • If Objective Direction is set to “Below Threshold”: Current Value <= Target Value = 100%, Current Value > Target Value = 0%; 
  • If Flag Value Type is selected, Progress is changed to 100% when Current Value is set to Yes.

Key Result Rollup - progress is calculated as arithmetic mean based on Progress of first-level Key Results and Sub-Objectives progress.

If the Key Result Rollup calculation type is selected, the Progress and the Current Value fields will be disabled and calculated automatically. 

If the Key Result Rollup calculation type is used, Current Value is automatically calculated based on the following formula: Current value = (Target Value - Start Value) * Progress / 100 + Start Value.

If Key Result Rollup calculation type is used and Flag Value Type is selected, Current Value is changed to Yes when Progress is 100%.

Please note: If the Key Result Rollup or Manual type is selected, the Direction field will be hidden from the Details section. The Direction field is displayed only if the Calculated type is selected. 

Enabling Direction or Start Value and Target Value in Configure fields with non-compatible calculation type/value type will not affect the Details section.

Also, the Start Value and Target Value fields are hidden if the Flag type is selected for the Value Type field. They are hidden because there are no start or target field values for this type. 

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