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How to add Project Online connection to PPM Express

This article describes the steps of connecting Project Online to PPM Express. 


In this scenario, we consider that you are importing your projects or linking projects from Project Online to PPM Express for the first time. When you import projects or link a project to Project Online for the first time, after selecting Project Online connection, you get to the step where it is required to add a new connection. 

As you select the 'Add new connection' option, the 'Create connection' window will be opened.


Connection Account Permissions and Authentication Types

Connection account permissions

PWA Permission Mode Connection Account Requirements 
SharePoint Permission Mode
  • Site Collection Administrator permissions on the PWA site. 
  • Added as a member to Administrators for Project Web App group.
Project Server Permission Mode
  • Site Collection Administrator permissions on the PWA site. 
  • Assigned to the Administrators security group.

Authentication Types

  • OAuth authentication type.
  • Basic authentication type. 


OAuth Authentication Type for Project Online Connection

1. In the 'Create Connection' window, 'Site URL' field, provide the Project Online PWA URL and select the OAuth authentication type

Please note: The account used to register the PPM Express app should have at least a Cloud Application Administrator permission. 

2. Copy the Redirect URL value from the PPM Express Create Connection window. 

3. Click on the link under the 'App Registration URL' field to go to the website:


Click the 'New Registration' button. 

Type in any name for your new app (e.i. 'PPM Express OAuth SharePoint App') and paste the Redirect URL from the PPM Express Create Connection window. Then click 'Register'.

4. Copy the Application ID value. 

5. Paste it to the PPM Express Create Connection window => Application (client) ID field. 

6. Open the App Registrations page again and click on the 'Certificates and Secrets' option on the left.

Click the 'New Client Secret' button. 

7. Choose any name (e.i. 'PPM Express') and the expiration date for your secret.

Please note: You will need to repeat these steps once the secret expires.

Click Add

8. Copy the Value of your new 'Client secret'.

Paste it into the PPM Express => 'Client Secret value' field.

9. Open PPM Express again and in the 'Create Connection' window click Connect to proceed. 

10. Sign in to your Office 365 account. 

In the window that appears click the Trust it button. 

11. Click Save in the 'Create Connection' window. 

Project Online connection will be added to PPM Express.  Now you can link or import projects from Project Online to PPM Express


Basic Authentication Type for Project Online Connection

1. In the 'Create Connection' window that appears provide the PWA URL and select the Basic authentication type

2. Specify user account credentials. If requested, grant PPM Express the permissions required.

If your Microsoft account has Multi-factor Authentication enabled, please generate an app password via App Passwords by this link

3. In the Create Connection window provide PWA URL, your Microsoft account username, and enter the generated password into the Password field.  

4. Click Create to proceed.

Project Online connection will be added to PPM Express. Now you can link or import projects from Project Online to PPM Express

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