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Project Schedule rolled-up fields for each connection

In this article, we will review the rolled-up fields for each external system connection when the Primary Schedule is selected on the Project Settings page

The primary schedule setting defines from what schedule the rolled-up values will be displayed in the ‘global’ project rolled-up fields. 

PPM Express is set as the primary system by default. When you switch to any other system, all Schedule rollup fields, such as Schedule Start Date, Schedule Due Date, Schedule Progress %, etc., will be automatically recalculated to display values from the selected schedule. The set of these fields and some rules differ from one connection to another. 

Project for the web

Calculated fields are available at the project level. They are read-only and show values synchronized from project-level fields from the Project for the Web schedule to PPM Express. 

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Project for the web) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Start Date field in Project for the web 
Schedule Start Date (Project for the web) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Finish Date field in Project for the web 
Schedule Duration (Project for the web) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Duration (Days) field in Project for the web 
Schedule Progress, % (Project for the web) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value syned from project-level % Complete field in Project for the web 
Schedule Effort (Project for the web) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Effort (Hours) field in Project for the web 
Schedule Completed Work (Project for the web) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Effort Completed (Hours) field in Project for the web 
Schedule Remaining Work (Project for the web) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Effort Remaining (Hours) field in Project for the web 

Project Online

Calculated fields are available at the project level. They are read-only and show values synchronized from project-level fields from the Project Online schedule to PPM Express. 

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Project Online) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Start Date field in Project Online 
Schedule Start Date (Project Online) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Finish Date field in Project Online
Schedule Duration (Project Online) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Duration field in Project Online 
Schedule Progress, % (Project Online) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value syned from project-level % Complete field in Project Online
Schedule Effort (Project Online) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Work field in Project Online
Schedule Completed Work (Project Online) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Actual Work field in Project Online
Schedule Remaining Work (Project Online) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from project-level Remaining Work field in Project Online

Project Desktop

Calculated fields are available at the project level. They are read-only and show values synced from the project summary task from the Project Desktop schedule to PPM Express. 

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Project Desktop) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from Start field in Project Desktop project summary task
Schedule Start Date (Project Desktop) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from Finish field in Project Desktop project summary task 
Schedule Duration (Project Desktop) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from Duration field in Project Desktop project summary task
Schedule Progress, % (Project Desktop) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from % Complete field in Project Desktop project summary task
Schedule Effort (Project Desktop) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from Work field in Project Desktop project summary task
Schedule Completed Work (Project Desktop) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from Actual Work field in Project Desktop project summary task
Schedule Remaining Work (Project Desktop) No roll-up, value is synchronized Date value synced from Remaining field in Project Desktop project summary task

The Project Summary Task is synchronized together with other tasks when linking an MPP project to a PPM Express project.


Calculated fields are available at the project level. They are read-only and show rollup values from the Planner schedule. 

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Planner) Earliest Date Start date for the project field is the earliest start date from the tasks in the Planner schedule
Schedule Start Date (Planner) Latest Date Due date for the project field is the latest due date from the tasks in the Planner schedule
Schedule Duration (Planner)
Total amount of working days between Schedule Start Date (Planner) and Schedule Due Date (Planner), taking into account the tenant Calendar and exceptions
Schedule Progress, % (Planner) Average Average of Progress, % from the tasks in the Planner schedule

Duration is calculated for tasks as the number of working days between the Start and Due Dates if both dates are available for the task. If there is only one date or no dates for the task, then the Duration will be empty.

Progress displayed for Planner displays roll-up value from Schedule Progress, % (Planner) field in the following places:

  • Project page, top right corner
  • Projects page, Cards View
  • Projects page, Project tooltip in timeline view


Calculated fields are added at the project level. They are read-only and show rollup values from the Smartsheet schedule. 

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Smartsheet) Earliest Date Start date for the project field is the earliest start date from the non-summary tasks in the Smartsheet schedule
Schedule Start Date (Smartsheet) Latest Date Due date for the project field is the latest due date from the non-summary tasks in the Smartsheet schedule
Schedule Duration (Smartsheet)
Total amount of working days between Schedule Start Date (Smartsheet) and Schedule Due Date (Smartsheet), taking into account the tenant Calendar and exceptions 
Schedule Progress, % (Smartsheet) Average Average of Progress, % from the non-summary tasks in the Smartsheet schedule
Schedule Effort (Smartsheet) Sum These fields might or might not exist and be mapped. If they exist/are mapped, they are calculated as a rolled-up sum of Effort values from all non-summary tasks. 
If they do not exist/are not mapped, then 0 is shown
Schedule Completed Work (Smartsheet) Sum These fields might or might not exist and be mapped.
If they exist/are mapped, they are calculated as a rolled-up sum of Completed Work values from all non-summary tasks. 
If they do not exist/are not mapped, 0 is shown
Schedule Remaining Work (Smartsheet) Sum These fields might or might not exist and be mapped. If they exist/are mapped, they are calculated as a rolled-up sum of Remaining Work values from all non-summary tasks. 
If they do not exist/are not mapped, 0 is shown


Calculated fields are added at the project level. They are read-only and show rollup values from the Monday.com schedule. 

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Monday.com) Earliest Date Start date for the project field is the earliest start date from all tasks and subtasks in the Monday.com schedule
Schedule Start Date (Monday.com) Latest Date Due date for the project field is the latest due date from all tasks and subtasks in the Monday.com schedule
Schedule Duration (Monday.com)
Total amount of working days between Schedule Start Date (Monday.com) and Schedule Due Date (Monday.com), taking into account the tenant Calendar and exceptions
Schedule Progress, % (Monday.com) Average Average of Progress, % from the Monday.com items that are selected in the ‘Item types included in Project Progress calculation’ field in the connection configuration
Schedule Effort (Monday.com) Sum These fields might or might not exist and be mapped. If they exist/are mapped, calculate them as a rolled-up sum of effort values from the items selected in the ‘Item types included in Project Progress calculation’ field in the Monday.com connection configuration. If they do not exist/are not mapped, 0 is shown
Schedule Completed Work (Monday.com) Sum These fields might or might not exist and be mapped. If they exist/are mapped, calculate them as a rolled-up sum of completed work values from the items selected in the ‘Item types included in Project Progress calculation’ field in the Monday.com connection configuration. If they do not exist/are not mapped, 0 is shown
Schedule Remaining Work (Monday.com) Sum These fields might or might not exist and be mapped. If they exist/are mapped, calculate them as a rolled-up sum of remaining work values from the items selected in the ‘Item types included in Project Progress calculation’ field in the Monday.com connection configuration. If they do not exist/are not mapped, 0 is shown
Schedule Story Points (Monday.com) Sum These fields might or might not exist and be mapped.
If they exist/are mapped, calculate them as a rolled-up sum of Story Points values from the items selected in the ‘Item types included in Project Progress calculation’ field in the Monday.com connection configuration. If they do not exist/are not mapped, 0 is shown

Progress displayed for Monday.com displays rolled-up value from Schedule Progress, % (Monday.com) field in the following places:

  • Project page, top right corner
  • Projects page, Cards View
  • Projects page, Project tooltip in timeline view


Calculated fields are available at the project level. They are read-only and show rollup values from the Jira schedule.

Rollup calculations for Progress-related fields (Progress, Effort, Completed Work, Remaining Work, Story Points, Completed Story Points) are based on Project Progress settings defined for the Jira connection.

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Jira) Earliest Date Start date for the project field is the earliest start date from all the issue in the Jira schedule. If there are no dates, nothing is shown
Schedule Start Date (Jira) Latest Date Due date for the project field should be the latest due date from all the issues in the Jira schedule
Schedule Duration (Jira)
Total amount of working days between Schedule Start Date (Jira) and Schedule Due Date (Jira), taking into account the tenant Calendar and exceptions. If there are no dates, nothing is shown.
Schedule Progress, % (Jira) Progress is calculated by Elements Count: (Completed Issues / Total Number of Issues) * 100% 
Progress is calculated by Sum of Story Points: (Sum of Story Points for Completed Issues / Sum of Story Points for All Issues) * 100%
Progress is calculated by Sum of Efforts: (Sum of Efforts for Completed Issues / Sum of Efforts for All Issues) * 100%
Only issues defined in the “Issue types included in Project Progress calculation” for Jira connection participate in Schedule Progress, % (Jira) calculation. 
Basically, progress calculation logic remains the same, but instead of showing the progress as a ratio, this ratio will be transformed into a % value. 
Depending on the “Calculate Project Progress by” setting defined for Jira connection, the following formula will be applied: Calculate Progress by Elements Count: (Completed Issues / Total Number of Issues) * 100% 
Calculate Progress by Sum of Story Points: (Sum of Story Points for Completed Issues / Sum of Story Points for All Issues) * 100% 
Calculate Progress by Sum of Efforts: (Sum of Efforts for Completed Issues / Sum of Efforts for All Issues) * 100%
Schedule Effort (Jira) Sum Only issues defined in the “Issue types included in Project Progress calculation” for Jira connection participate in Schedule Effort (Jira) calculation.
Schedule Completed Work (Jira) Sum Only issues defined in the “Issue types included in Project Progress calculation” for Jira connection participate in the Schedule Completed Work (Jira) calculation.
Schedule Remaining Work (Jira) Sum Only issues defined in the “Issue types included in Project Progress calculation” for Jira connection participate in the Schedule Remaining Work (Jira) calculation
Schedule Story Points (Jira)
Only issues defined in the “Issue types included in Project Progress calculation” for Jira connection participate in Schedule Story Points (Jira) calculation.

Schedule Completed Story Points (Jira)

Sum Only issues defined in the “Issue types included in Project Progress calculation” for Jira connection participate in Schedule Completed Story Points (Jira) calculation. Values in the Completed Story Points task field are calculated for all 100% completed issues that have Story Points values (Story Points = Completed Story Points for completed issues)

For new projects, the default Project Progress calculation setting is the Sum of Story Points.

Progress for Jira displays rolled-up value from Schedule Progress, % (Jira) field in the following places:

  • Project page, top right corner
  • Projects page, Cards View
  • Projects page, Project tooltip in timeline view

Azure DevOps

Calculated fields are available at the project level. They are read-only and show rollup values from the Azure DevOps schedule.

Rollup calculations for Progress-related fields (Progress, Effort, Completed Work, Remaining Work, Story Points, Completed Story Points) is based on Project Progress settings defined for the Azure DevOps connection.

Field Name Rollup Calculation Description
Schedule Start Date (Azure DevOps) Earliest Date Start date for the project field should be the earliest start date from all the synchronized work items in the Azure DevOps schedule
Schedule Start Date (Azure DevOps) Latest Date Due date for the project field is  the latest due date from all the synchronized work items in the Azure DevOps schedule
Schedule Duration (Azure DevOps)
Total amount of working days between Schedule Start Date (Azure DevOps) and Schedule Due Date (Azure DevOps), taking into account the tenant Calendar and exceptions
Schedule Progress, % (Azure DevOps) Progress is calculated by Elements Count: (Completed Items / Total Number of Items) * 100% 
Progress is calculated by Sum of Story Points: (Sum of Story Points for Completed Items / Sum of Story Points for All Items) * 100% 
Progress is calculated by Sum of Efforts: (Sum of Efforts for Completed Items / Sum of Efforts for All Items) * 100%
Only issues defined in the “Work Item types included in Project Progress calculation” for Azure DevOps connection participate in Schedule Progress, % (Azure DevOps) calculation. 
Basically, progress calculation logic remains the same, but instead of showing the progress as a ratio, this ratio will be transformed into a % value. 
Depending on the “Calculate Project Progress by” setting defined for Azure DevOps connection, the following formula will be applied: Calculate Progress by Elements Count: (Completed Items / Total Number of Items) * 100% 
Calculate Progress by Sum of Story Points: (Sum of Story Points for Completed Items / Sum of Story Points for All Items) * 100% 
Calculate Progress by Sum of Efforts: (Sum of Efforts for Completed Items / Sum of Efforts for All Items) * 100%
Schedule Effort (Azure DevOps) Sum Only work items defined in the “Work Item types included in Project Progress calculation” for Azure DevOps connection should participate in Schedule Effort (Azure DevOps) calculation
Schedule Completed Work (Azure DevOps) Sum Only work items defined in the “Work Item types included in Project Progress calculation” for Azure DevOps connection participate in Schedule Completed Work (Azure DevOps) calculation
Schedule Remaining Work (Azure DevOps) Sum Only work items defined in the “Work Item types included in Project Progress calculation” for Azure DevOps connection participate in Schedule Remaining Work (Azure DevOps) calculation
Schedule Story Points (Azure DevOps)
Only work items defined in the “Work Item types included in Project Progress calculation” for Azure DevOps connection participate in Schedule Story Points (Azure DevOps) calculation

Schedule Completed Story Points (Azure DevOps)

Sum Only work items defined in the “Work Item types included in Project Progress calculation” for Azure DevOps connection participate in Schedule Completed Story Points (Azure DevOps) calculation. Values in the ‘Completed Story Points’ task field are calculated for all 100% completed items that have Story Points values (Story Points = Completed Story Points for completed items)

For new projects, the default setting for Project Progress calculation is by to Sum of Story Points.

Progress for Azure DevOps displays rolled-up value from Schedule Progress, % (Azure DevOps) field in the following places:

  • Project page, top right corner
  • Projects page, Cards View
  • Projects page, Project tooltip in timeline view

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