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PPM Express RAID + Registry report pack

PPM Express provides a RAID + Registry Power BI pack.

This pack allows reviewing all Risks, Action Items, Issues, and Key Decisions within PPM Express, not only for one Project/Program or Portfolio, as it can be done directly from the PPM Express app, but to have a holistic view of all of them in one place. Lessons Learned and Change Requests are also included in the pack.

A RAID project management analysis that is available with this pack helps teams create a strategy for avoiding events and issues that may harm the project’s outcomes. It is important because it helps teams fully understand the project’s limitations and potential issues from the start and address them quickly and efficiently. An accurate and up-to-date RAID log allows project managers and stakeholders to avoid project delays by acting quickly if potential roadblocks become urgent and avoiding unpredicted costs related to project delays and adjustments.

RAID+ Registry pack provides valuable information for regular meetings where certain questions/items, e.g., like Change Requests are discussed in bulk. RAID+ report will show all the items that need to be reviewed in one place.

By default, only Active items are displayed in the reports for the In Progress or Not Started entities, but this filter can be changed to display everything if needed. 

With RAID+ Registry filters and groupings, managers can review Risks/Action Items etc that belong not only to a specific project/portfolio/program but also get a wider picture viewing, for example, Risks that belong to all projects in a specific portfolio.

In this article, we will give you a general overview and some tips on how to get the most out of it.

The Home page opens access to the main reports of the RAID + Registry pack. 

Risks score is now available in the report (considering risk probability and impact).

The Score calculation formula is the following: Score = Impact * Probability. For example, if Probability = 95% and Impact = 5.00 then Score = Impact * Probability = 0.95 * 5 = 4.75. 

Let's review the reports' tools for better view, navigation, and easy access to the required information. 

All reports have a similar layout, consisting of the following three parts:

  • Filters
  • Counters, charts
  • Table


All report visualizations depend on the values of the applied filters. For convenience, the most popular filters are located on the report canvas, the rest are placed on the 'Filters' pane.

For example, using the Portfolio filter, you can display the project risks of the projects included in a certain portfolio. 

To ensure that reports display only relevant data, some of the filters are applied by default.

Counters, charts

The report visuals summarize the filtered data, focusing on certain aspects of the data.

For example:

Clicking on a data point filters the table below by displaying the corresponding rows.


The data displayed in the table reflects the result of the applied filters.

By default, data in a table is not grouped and is displayed as a simple list.

Rows in a table can be grouped by a particular field. You can choose the required fields in the ‘Group by’ drop-down. 

The set of available grouping fields depends on the registry you are working with.

You can also decide which columns to show in the table using the ‘Displayed columns’ drop-down.

By default, not all columns are pre-selected to be displayed in the table. 

To display the desired column, such as the Timeline, it should be selected in the list. The table will be rebuilt accordingly:




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