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How to create PPM Express entities from the Roadmap

PPM Express provides an ability to create items from the Roadmap bars (Projects, Programs, Tasks, Objectives, Ideas) and key dates (Key date, Milestone, Release in Programs, Projects, Portfolios). 

Please note: New items can be created for the manually created bars and key dates, imported key dates and bars items cannot be used to create new PPM Express items. 

Please note: To create items it is required to have corresponding permission, for example, to create a project, it is required to have permission for creating projects, to create a key date, it is required to have permission for editing the selected project, etc.  

The Roadmap bar or key date can be used to create a PPM Express item only once. Even if the item is deleted, the bar or key date cannot be used to create another item (the information for the created and then deleted item will be available on the pop-up of the bar or key date). 

To create a new PPM Express item from the Roadmap bar perform the following: 

1. Open the PPM Express Roadmap dashboard. 

2. Click on the required Roadmap bar and select the 'Create from bar' option. 

3. Select the item you need to create: Program, Project, Task, Objective, Idea (the list of items may differ according to the license). 

4. If you select to create a Project, a Program, or an Objective, the item will be created at once and the corresponding notification will appear. If you select to create a task or an Idea, it is required to select a project (business challenge) where this task (idea) will be created. For tasks, you can also select the required group at once. 

Let's select to create a task as an example. Click Create

5. A new task will be created within the selected project and group. And the 'Create from bar' option will disappear for the selected bar. 

When a new item is created, the following fields may be copied over: Name, Start date, Finish date, Status (if auto-calculation is disabled), DescriptionProgress (for objectives, tasks, and key dates only), Assigned to (for tasks and key dates only).

Please note: Data from the Roadmap key dates or bars fields will be copied over during item creation. Later on, the information will be synchronized from the created item back to the Roadmap key date or bar (but not in the opposite direction). 

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