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Objectives page

In this article we will review the Objectives page in the user interface PPM Express. 

Objectives page allows creating and managing Objectives within the organization. 

Objectives page includes a list of all active Objectives.

Similar to other PPM Express pages, the Objectives page may be viewed as a timeline or configurable table.

Regardless of the view type used, the list of your Objectives can be filtered using the Filter field in the right upper part of the page. Using this control item, you can also create filter presets.

Using the View option that is available on the left you can create your own views for this page.

New drop-down on the left allows creating new Objectives. 

Statuses within each status category can be customized: you can add new statuses, change the default one, change the color, etc. For more details, please refer to the 'How to customize statuses' article. 


The Timeline represents available Objectives as a timeline.

You can review the progress, status, and timeline for the Objectives. 

Also, you can change the timeframe on the timeline view and select to review the Objectives timeline by days/weeks/months/quarters/years. 

Using the ellipsis button that is available for each Objective you can open the Objective menu and perform the following: 

  • Edit the Objective
  • Clone the Objective
  • Delete the Objective 
  • Close the Objective
  • Archive the Objective
  • Create New Sub-Objective
  • Import Sub-Objective
  • Move to Objective
  • Create New Key Result
  • Import Key Result

Also, it is possible to add/delete Key Results and add/close/delete Sub-Objectives from this page directly by clicking on the ellipsis button next to the required item.

To find step-by-step instructions on how to create and manage Objectives, please refer to this article.

Configurable table

The Configurable table represents available Objectives as a table.

You can review the progress, status, manager, scope, start date, finish date target value. 

To create a new Key Result or Sub-Objective for your Objective from this page, select the required Objective and then click the required button from the top menu. 

To bulk delete the Objectives, select the ones you need in the configurable table view and click the Delete option.

You can review all Key Results and Sub-Objectives for the required Objectives by expanding them. 

Please note: Users can review, create, delete and manage the Objectives according to their license and Manage Objectives permission: 

Manage Objectives/Collaborate on Objectives: Users with User licenses who have Manage Objectives rights can create, edit, and delete all Objectives on the page and manage them. 

Collaborate on Objectives: The following actions are available for Users with the 'Collaborate on Objectives' permission for Objectives they own: view all Objectives, create/edit Objectives, create/import Sub-Objectives, create/import Key Results, clone, move Sub-Objective to another Objective, close, archive, delete Objective. 

The following actions are available for Users with the 'Collaborate on Objectives' permission for Objectives they don't own: view all Objectives, create/import Sub-Objectives, and clone the Objective. 

Users with Team member licenses who have the 'View Objectives' permission can: review all information on the Objectives page but cannot edit, delete, close, or re-open the Objectives; review the Key Results project section if these Team members have View permission for the project. But cannot edit, delete, or manage the information within the Key Results project section.


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