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Calendar Settings

In this article, we will review Calendar settings in PPM Express. 

The settings on the Calendar page are taken into account to calculate resource capacity.

Also, the Calendar exceptions are considered in the internal tasks (task dependencies). If you set up task dependencies, the start date of the dependent task (successor) will become read-only. The start date becomes dependent on the predecessor's due date.  If the due date of the predecessor's task is right before the calendar exception (national holiday), the dependant task will start one day later (taking into account the holiday set in the calendar exceptions).

To access the Calendar page, click the gear button in the upper right corner and select the Calendar option. 

This page consists of four sections:

  • Global Work Week
  • Global Calendar Exception
  • My Work Week
  • My Calendar Exception

The Calendar page is available for all team members and all users from tenant. However, users without the Administrator and Manage Resources permission won't be able to edit the Global Calendar Exceptions, Global Work Week, and My Work Week sections (these sections will be in read-only mode for them). 

The Global Work Week section helps define the number of working hours per day at the organizational/tenant level. Global Work Week settings are used to calculate resource capacity and are considered in PPM Express tasks.

This section can be edited by users with Administrator permission and users with 'Manage Resources' permission. Team members and users without 'Manage Resources' permission can only review information in this section and cannot edit it.

You can set the number of working hours per day for the tenant by clicking on the number field and typing in the number. 

The Global Calendar Exception section helps to define calendar exceptions (for instance, national/international holidays, company holidays, etc.) to ensure that work is not scheduled on days when your organization is not operating. 

This section can be edited by users with Administrator permission and users with 'Manage Resources' permission. Team members and users without 'Manage Resources' permission can only review information in this section and cannot edit it.

To add an exception, click the New Exception button. Provide the information as required and click Create Exception

Also, users with “Manager Resource” permission can perform the following actions: export to .csv, and edit/delete the exceptions. 

You can use the Import from CSV option to create exceptions. 

If calendar exceptions are created in the CSV files and imported to PPM Express, ensure there is a start and finish date (or a start date only) for all exceptions. The exception will not be imported without start and finish dates. 

If the exception is created for one week or less, the Days field will not be editable, all days of the selected period will be included in the exception. If the exception is created for more than one week, you can exclude the necessary days of the week.

Also, it is possible to edit Days of Week names when importing the Calendar Exceptions from CSV using the language according to the Regional Format setting (the use of the regional language is available for the CSV files only).

The My Work Week section displays the work week settings for a specific resource (the one viewing the Calendar settings page). 

Users with the Admin or Manage Resources permission can edit their work week on this page. If the user who is viewing this page does not have Administrator or Manage Resources permission, the section is in read only mode. For them, the user with 'Manage Resources' permission can edit their “My Work Week” setting on the Resource dashboard -> Work Week section.

All changes made on the Resource dashboard -> Work Week section will be displayed on the Calendar page -> My Work Week and vice versa. These settings also affect the calculation of the resource capacity.

If defined, they will override the global work week settings. 

If the Global Work Week settings are applied, you can define the resource's individual work week settings by switching to personal settings mode.


Note: If personal work week settings are defined, they will override the global work week settings. 

And vice versa, if the personal work week settings are applied, you can switch to the tenant-wide global work week settings mode

The My Calendar Exception section allows users and team members to specify their calendar exceptions (edit calendar exceptions for a resource linked to the current user) (e.g., vacation, sickness leave, etc.). This section can be edited by team members and all users without specific permission. 

If calendar exceptions are set for the same date as global calendar exceptions, they will override tenant-wide settings for this user. These settings are considered when calculating the resource capacity. 

To add a new exception, click the Add Exception button. Provide the information and click Create Exception

Exceptions can be imported from the .csv file to PPM Express. 

Also, users and team members can edit the existing exception in the calendar exception section, export to .csv, and delete the exceptions.

All changes made on the Resource page/Calendar exception section will be displayed on the Calendar page/ My Calendar exception and vice versa. 

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