In this article, we will review the Project Online tasks page, its layout, and detailed information on how the Project Online tasks are synchronized to PPM Express.
You can review tasks synchronized from Project Online on a separate Project Online tasks page in PPM Express.
To access this page, perform the following:
1. Open the Project Dashboard of the Project where the Project Online connection is added and you need to review Project Online tasks.
2. Navigate to the Tasks (Schedule) Project section and select Project Online tasks by clicking on the corresponding icon on the right.
3. Click on the 'View Tasks from Project Online' button on the Manage card.
Also, if you click on the number of the task on the Tasks Statuses, Tasks Progress, or Tasks Summary cards, the Project Online tasks page will be opened at once and the tasks will be filtered out according to the selected value. For example, if you click on the number of the Critical task, Critical tasks will be shown on the Project Online tasks page at once.
Using the 'Configure' menu you can turn on data sections that you want to make visible on the page. Drag and drop is available to reorder the position of these sections. These changes can be saved to Project layouts and views.
On the Project Online tasks page, you can review all tasks synchronized from Project Online.
The Project Online tasks page is for viewing the tasks only, it is not possible to edit the tasks on this page. If you need to edit the tasks, open them in Project Online, edit them there and run Project synchronization in PPM Express, all changes will be present on the Project Online tasks page when the synchronization is completed.
Project Online tasks page includes two sections: Tasks Summary and Tasks.
Tasks Summary section includes four cards where you can quickly review the tasks statuses, progress, summary, and timeline. All the numbers on the cards are clickable and can be used to filter out the information in the Tasks section.
To get back to the PPM Express Project, click on the Project name on the top of the page or the 'Open PPM Express Project Dashboard' button.
To open the Project Online system click on the Project Online icon at the top of the Project Dashboard.
To open PPM Express tasks, click on the 'View PPM Express Tasks' button.
Tasks section includes all tasks synchronized from Project Online.
There are two views available: table and timeline.
To hide/show all tasks in the tasks hierarchy use the Outline button. It is applied to all tasks at once, you can either Expand all tasks to show subtasks or Collapse all tasks to show only the parent task.
The Search option allows you to find the Tasks you need quickly. For more details, please refer to the 'How to use the Search option' article.
The selected tasks can be exported to the CSV or PNG file by clicking on the Export button at the top of the Tasks section or the Actions menu.
You can use multiple filters to quickly review the tasks you need. You can also create new filters and new views if needed.
'Outline' filter is applied by default to the Project Online Tasks section. It displays all tasks, including the Summary tasks and tasks hierarchy. All other default filters will not include Summary tasks. Also, the Summary tasks will not be included in the Task Summary section counters (milestones will be included in the counters).
The fields will be mapped in the following way:
- Start Date = Start
- Effort = Work
- Completed work = Actual work
- Progress = % Complete
- Remaining work = Remaining work
- Due Date = Finish
- Assigned To = Resource Name
- Milestone flag is on = Milestone
- Effort = Work
- Completed Work = Actual Work
- Remaining work = Remaining Work
- WBS = WBS (The WBS field contains work breakdown structure (WBS) codes and displays the tasks hierarchy)
- Type = Summary (Yes = Summary Task, No = Task)
The Progress is synchronized in the following way:
- Not Started tasks - 0% Completed;
- Completed tasks - 100% Completed;
- In Progress tasks - 1-99% Completed.
Tasks Status is not editable and is set according to the Tasks finish date, taking into account the current date. The following calculation logic is applied:
- On Track - Finish Date is greater or equals Today;
- At Risk - The task is late for less than 10 days (from Today);
- Critical - The task is late for more than 10 days (from Today);
- Done- The task is marked as Completed.
These default calculation logic rules can be customized on the Insight settings page. If custom rules are set there, the custom logic will be applied to the tasks statuses on the Project Online tasks page.
Tasks Priority is not synchronized.