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PPM Express Executive Report Pack

PPM Express provides a PPM Express Power BI pack for Executives. 

In this article, we will give you a general overview and some tips on how to get the most out of it.

Executive report pack contains a set of reports that provide information for the Portfolios, Programs, Projects (and their sub-entities) progress. 

You can review and access the main reports by clicking on the tiles on the Home page of the report. 

The amount of data presented in the reports is determined by the filter values in the ‘Filters’ panel. The task of the default filters is to select the data of those entities for which the work has not yet been completed. For example:

To review other data, you need to reset the default filters and/or apply the necessary ones.

You can restore the default set of filters using the 'Reset to default' button.


The Overview report contains the following sections: Portfolio, Programs, Projects, and Overall Key Dates. The Portfolios, Programs, and Projects sections are organized in the same way. 

In addition to the filter panel, you can use adjacent visuals for filtering. For example, to quickly narrow down the dataset of tables, displaying, only projects with Overall Status = On Track, you can simply click on the corresponding sector of the donut chart.

Overall Key Dates section

Key Dates data of all three entities: portfolios, programs, and projects, are included in a single presentation and decomposed by periods.

There are two ways to get details for the figure of interest.

The first way is to select the required cell in the table, then click the ‘More details' button.

The result will be available on a separate page.

The second way is to set the Tooltip switch to On. This will allow the contextual tooltip to be used for each number.

To represent data about Key Dates, the hierarchy is used: Portfolio -> Programs -> Projects.

Data on Key Dates of projects that are not included in any portfolio and/or in any program are presented in specially created folders.

The filters of the filter panel affect all table rows except those located in the ‘<out of portfolio content>’ folder.

Projects Summary report 

The Projects Summary report allows you to quickly find insights and filter projects that meet specified criteria.

For example: 

Statuses View

  • Projects where Overall Status = On Track.

  • Projects where Cost Status = At Risk.

  • Projects where Stage = Closing and Overall Status = Critical.

Key Dates, Risks, Issues View

  • Projects, the risks of which exceed 70%.

  • Projects where Issue Priority = High.

Key Dates, Risks and Issues details are accessed using the ‘More details’ button.

Strategic Prioritization View

At the top, the projects are sorted in descending order by Alignment Score.

At the bottom, there is a “Project Alignment to Strategic Priorities” view, where Project Priorities are presented as abbreviations.

To sort the projects in descending order by the value of a certain Project Priority, select the corresponding Strategic Priority in the table on the left.

Decision Matrix View

The focus of this report is on the meaning of the Decision Matrix fields: Impact, Risk, Cost, Revenue, Efforts.

By default, projects with the maximum total value of these fields are located at the top of the list.

Clicking on the header of the corresponding column sorts the table in ascending/descending order of its values.

Clicking on the intersection of table rows and columns on the right filters the list of projects accordingly.

Portfolio Details report

These reports are supposed to work with any selected portfolio.

It is possible to select the required portfolio in two ways:

  • using the filter panel

  • by using the drill-through option from another report

Report data is grouped by tabs.

Project Details report

The Project Details report contains the following tabs: Project Summary, Project Tasks, PPM Express Schedule, Key dates, Risks, Issues, Project Tasks, Action Items, Change Requests and Prioritization. 

 Among other data, contains information about the workload of the resources on tasks.

  • Late: not completed tasks on time (DueDate <Today, and Progress <100%);
  • Missed Start: not started task on time (StartDate <Today, and Progress = 0%).

To review the information as required you can use the tabs located at the top of this report. 

The Project Tasks tab shows the information on the tasks from external systems and PPM Express (according to the filters selected). The Source Type field shows the list of fields specific to a particular system.

The task view and the column set can be selected. The “ALL” option displays all available OOB task fields.

The PPM Express Schedule tab gives information on the internal PPM Express tasks. 

The goal of this report is to get information about the state of progress of a certain set of tasks and to evaluate it by comparing the value of the current progress with the planned one. 

The 'Filters' panel is used to outline the scope of tasks to be analyzed. Gauge chart and Combo chart visualize progress if the corresponding project is selected on the filters panel. If no project is selected or several projects are selected, then visualization of progress by charts in this case is possible only if the same progress calculation rule is set for all projects in scope. The progress calculation rule that is valid for the selected project is displayed in the upper left corner of the report.

The gauge chart represents a high-level visualization of progress with the following metrics available:

  • Schedule Progress
  • Planned Schedule Progress
  • Variance

Schedule Progress metric displays the same progress value that can be seen for that project in the PPM Express application in the Details section (if only the Project Name filter is applied to the report). The logic for calculating this metric in the report is the same as the calculation logic in the PPM Express application.

Planned Schedule Progress is a planned progress value of the selected set of PPM Express tasks for the current date (today). Values of this metric are calculated on the report side. There is no such metric in the PPM Express application.

Variance is calculated as the difference between Planned Schedule Progress to Schedule Progress.

The metrics described above are not static. The value of these metrics is dynamically recalculated when the filters are applied to the report. For example, applying additional filters, such as Resource Name or Task Status, will narrow down the report's scope of tasks, and the metrics will be recalculated.

The combo chart also offers high-level progress visualization, where Planned Schedule Progress is represented as an S-curve and Schedule Progress is represented as a column.

This chart displays the same metric values as the adjoining gauge visual. Both visuals show the progress of the same set of tasks, including the tasks with dates and tasks without them. Since the progress of tasks without dates cannot be associated with any particular time period, the progress of such tasks is added to the progress of each period. Thus, the Planned Scheduled Progress metric for each period is made up of two parts: the progress of tasks with dates for the period, plus the progress of all tasks without dates.

The Schedule Progress value presented as a column is calculated for the current date (as of today), and the Planned Schedule Progress value is calculated and displayed for the last date of the current period. To get the Planned Schedule Progress metric value calculated for the current date (as of today), you can use the tooltip.

The table at the bottom of the report provides details on the progress of the schedule level. The Planned Schedule Progress column displays the calculated schedule progress value as of the current date (today). The table also shows the number of columns involved in the calculation of the Planned Schedule Progress metric.

The Prioritization report tab shows how the report is aligned to Strategic Priorities. Also, it graphically correlates the alignment score of the project with the alignment score of other projects of the tenant or projects included in the portfolio/programs of the project under consideration.

1. The Alignment Score of the selected project:

 2. The table below shows whether a project is fully aligned to a Strategic Priority or not:

Alignment details are shown in the tooltip for each Strategic Priority.

3. Project Alignment Status table includes the following rows:

  • 'Entity Type' -  the entities where the selected project belongs: Tenant, Portfolio and/or Program.
  • 'Entity Name' – the names of the portfolios/programs, to which this project is added.
  • 'Total Projects' – the number of projects within the entity.
  • 'Project Alignment Rank' – the project number in the row of other projects The number of the project in the list of projects of a particular entity. The projects in this row are sorted by Alignment Score in descending orderf

4. Column chart 'Projects by Alignment Score'.


  • The height of the column is the number of projects corresponding to the X-axis Alignment Score.
  • The set of projects is determined by the selected line of the table “Project Alignment Status”. If there is no highlighted line in the table, then the set of projects corresponds to the set of tenant projects.

Vertical lines:

  • Median Alignment Score.
  • Current Project Alignment Score.

The position of the “Current Project Alignment Score” line relative to the “Median Alignment Score” line allows you to assess how the values of the Alignment Score metric of the selected project and other projects under consideration correlate.

Programs Details report

The Program Details report works very similarly to the Portfolio Details one. 

Project Risks Analysis report

This report allows reviewing data for the risks of a single project, as well as for the risks across projects.

You can select the following aspects of data using the navigation on the top. 

  • Risks by Impact and Probability,
  • Risks by Category and Impact
  • Risks by Assignee and Probability

If you click on data points in this visualization the data will be filtered accordingly in the risks details table below. 

Resource Stats Details report

This report can be opened from the Project Details report and allows reviewing the information for tasks details. 

To review the task details open the Project Details report, select the resource name in question and click on the 'More detail' button. 

The Resource Tasks Stats Details report will be opened. 

Financials reports

There are three financial reports available:

  • 'Project Financials'
  • 'Portfolio Financials'
  • 'Program Financials'

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