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Help Guide for PPM Express Projects Plan

The following article includes videos and the help site article links that will help you get started with PPM Express Projects Plan, review its main functionality, and make the most out of the PPM Express application. 

PPM Express Overview

PPM Express is a SaaS web-based platform for Projects Plan. 

PPM Express allows you to review and manage the statuses, and progress of all your projects, resources, and tasks in one place. It provides management options for tasks, time-frames, and resources involved in the process. 

PPM Express includes multiple PowerBI-based reports that you can access directly from PPM Express. As a result, PPM Express makes data analysis and reporting easier.

Working with Projects

To quickly start working on the Projects, please refer to the articles below where you will find some basic information about Projects Plan in PPM Express. 

The Projects page includes the list of all projects created in PPM Express. The Projects page may be viewed as a tileset, configurable table, or timeline.

Projects Page

The Project Dashboard page allows viewing and editing all information about a specific project.

Project Dashboard 

Project Settings allows configuring the Project Dashboard page, selecting if the statuses should be calculated automatically for the project, key dates, and tasks for a certain project, and if the warnings should be displayed, configuring settings related to PPM Express tasks. 

Project Settings 

Working with Tasks

In the Project Tasks articles, you will find information on how to create and manage tasks in PPM Express, and what tools you can use to sort out and quickly find the information you need. 

Project Tasks page

Creating and Managing Project Tasks

Time Reporting

Time Tracking and Time Reporting Articles 

Working with Resources

Resource Management allows creating, editing, and managing resources.

Resources page

Resource Dashboard page

Deploying Power BI Reports for PPM Express


Executives Report Pack

Resource Management Pack

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