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How to invite users to PPM Express

This article describes how to invite users to PPM Express tenant. 

📢 PPM Express tenant will be registered once the first user from Office 365 tenant/GSuite/Email signs up. Such user is granted with Administrative permissions by default, and receives access to all components and features provided in PPM Express.

There are three ways to register new users in PPM Express:

  • Users from the same Office 365 or GSuite tenant who sign up to PPM Express; 
  • Users are invited to the PPM Express tenant by the PPM Express Administrator or other PPM Express users. 
  • Users can be synchronized from Azure Active Directory. 

Users from the same Office 365 or GSuite tenant who sign up to PPM Express 

To allow users from the same Office 365 or GSuite tenant to sign up for the PPM Express tenant, it is required to obtain a license for a required number of user seats via the Billing Settings page. 

Users that are added to PPM Express may have two types of license (user seats): 

  • User type - users with this license type may have a full set of PPM Express permissions. By default users with User license type have manage resources permissions and permissions to view all projects and portfolios, programs and edit projects, programs and portfolios they own. PPM Express administrator defines permission level for each user with a User license type on the People Management page.
  • Team Member type - users with Team Member license type have read permissions and view all PPM Express portfolios, programs, and projects by default. Using 'Collaborate on' permission PPM Express administrator can grant Team Members permission for editing PPM Express tasks. On the People Management page, the PPM Express administrator may define what portfolios, programs and/or projects exactly these users have permissions to review and/or edit tasks for. 

When the user is deactivated, the status will be set to Inactive and the license will be changed to 'Not applied' at once for such a user. The license becomes available for further assignments. 

As the license is purchased, the PPM Express Administrator should open the Settings => Tenant Settings page => Access settings and set the 'Auto Registration' setting to 'ON' (it is set to 'ON' by default). 

For more details please refer to How to register a new user in PPM Express tenant article. 

Users invited to PPM Express tenant 

To invite users who have Office 365, GSuite, personal Google accounts, or any other personal email provider accounts to the PPM Express tenant, it is required to obtain a license for a required number of users. As the license is purchased, the PPM Express Administrator should open the Settings => Tenant settings page => Access settings => and set the 'Auto Registration' setting to 'OFF' (it is set to 'ON' by default). 

It can be set to 'ON' as well, but in this case, users from the same Office 365 or GSuite tenant will be also able to sign up to the PPM Express tenant. If your organization would like to add users to the PPM Express tenant by invitation only, then the 'Allow Auto Registration' setting should be set to 'OFF'.

All PPM Express users can invite other people using the 'Invite People' button if the 'Open Invites' option is enabled by the PPM Express Administrator on the Tenant Settings page. If this option is off, then only PPM Express Administrators can invite other users. 

To invite users, the PPM Express administrator can select the Invite People option on the People Management page or the 'Invite People' button at the top of any page. 

In the Invite People screen, provide the email addresses of users you would like to invite to the PPM Express tenant, assign the required license type to the users, and define their permission level. 

It is also possible to invite users from the Project/Programs/Portfolio dashboard => Share Project page if the 'Open Invites' option is enabled by the PPM Express Administrator on the Tenant Settings page. For this purpose open the Project, Programs or Portfolio dashboard => Configure menu => Share => type in the email of the user you need to invite. 

PPM Express People Management

Click on the email that appears below. The user will appear in the users list on the Share Project page.

The Project Manager can grant the required permission that can be changed by the PPM Express Administrator from the People Management page. 

PPM Express People Management

It is possible to invite one or multiple users at once. Please note, that if you invite multiple users at once, the selected permissions will be granted to all users invited. If you need to define the different permission levels for the users, the invitations should be sent separately. 

To find detailed information about permissions and license types in PPM Express, please refer to this article

Please note: Only PPM Express administrators can select the license types and grant permissions to users when inviting them. If a user with the User or Team Member license type invites other people, the Team Member license type for the invited users will be applied automatically. PPM Express administrator may then change the license type and set the permissions on the People Management page as required. 

Also, using the Permitted Authentication Providers option on the Tenant Settings page, the PPM Express Administrator can allow/restrict the authentication providers for the tenant. Only the authentication providers turned on for the organization will appear on the 'Log in to PPM Express' page for the tenant. For example, if the Administrator restricts the Email authentication type, the invited users will not be able to log in using this authentication option and will see only Office 365 or Google types. 

Also, if the tenant's administrator selects the Default authentication type, invitations can only be sent with this authentication type. The required authentication provider can be changed by the Administrator only in this case. 

When clicking Join in the invitation email, users will see only the chosen authentication option. But on the login page, users will see all allowed providers (Office 365 and Google in our example).

Also, if 'Any' is selected as the Default authentication provider for the invitation, all allowed providers will be available by clicking the Join button in the invitation email. 

As the invitations are sent, the PPM Express Administrator will see the 'Pending invite' status for these users on the People Management page. 

Suppose the user did not receive an email or did not join at once. In that case, it is possible to resend the invitation by opening the user management menu and selecting the 'Resend invitation' option. 

To check the PPM Express tenant to which the user was invited, users can open the 'My Account' settings. 

If the user was invited to several PPM Express tenants and signed up to these tenants using one Office 365, GSuite, or personal Email account, the user can switch between PPM Express tenants in the 'My Account' settings. 

Please note: Users who were invited to PPM Express are also added to the Resources page after they join the application. 

When the users are registered within your PPM Express tenant, please refer to the How to assign licenses to the users article to assign the required license to each user.

Users synchronized from Azure Active Directory

The Azure Active Directory Synchronization option is available in the Enterprize subscription plan only. 

The Azure Active Directory Synchronization option allows synchronizing users from Azure Active Directory groups to the PPM Express People Management page. 

Also, using this option, the license type is applied in bulk, and the default set of PPM Express permissions can be set for all users from the selected Azure AD group according to their license. To create a default set of permissions, open the People Management page -> Default Permissions and set permissions for each license type as required. 

When users are synchronized, the permissions can be edited manually for each user separately, if required. 

Please note: When Azure Active Directory users synchronization is enabled, all existing users within your tenant on the People Management page will be deactivated, unless they are members of the Users or Team Members group from Azure Active Directory. Users with Administrate app permission will not be deleted even if they are not members of any Azure AD group selected for synchronization. 

To synchronize users from Azure Active Directory to PPM Express, perform the following: 

1. Open the Tenant Settings and select your organization under the Azure AD Synchronization section. The organizations appear in the list for active directory synchronization as soon as the connection is established between PPM Express and Office 365. This can be done if you add one of the following connections to PPM Express:

PPM Express People Management

2. Select the Azure Active Directory group for User license (User license will be applied to all users from this AD group). Select the Azure Active Directory group for the Team Member license (Team Member license will be applied to all users from this AD group). These groups should be created in Azure AD in advance, or any existing group can be used, if it works for this case. 

PPM Express People Management

3. Set up the Daily synchronization schedule. 

To launch an on-demand synchronization, use the Synchronize Now option below. 

PPM Express People Management

4. Decide if you would like your users to receive invitations on user synchronization. 

If the Send Invitation toggle is turned on, as the synchronization is completed, all users will receive an email notification with an invitation to join the PPM Expres tenant. When the users follow the link from the initiation email and log in to PPM Express, they become active users on the People Management page. They can perform actions according to their permissions. 

PPM Express People Management

However, if you don't want users to receive the notifications at once, switch the Send Invitation toggle to off, and the synchronization with Azure AD will run without sending invites to users. 

The user invitations can be turned on separately and sent to all or selected users set in Azure AD groups. Open the People Management page, select the users, and click the 'Resend invitation' button.

Please note: When the Azure AD synchronization is enabled, the 'Invite users', 'Autoregistration', and invitations via Project sharing are disabled in PPM Express. Users can join PPM Express only through Azure AD synchronization. 

If there is a need to change the license type for users, it is required to change their group in Azure AD (from Team Member to User or vice versa). After synchronization, the license type will be changed in PPMExpress. The display name and users' email should also be changed via Azure AD. If there are Guest users in Azure AD for whom there is a need to edit email, the original user email should also be edited similarly. Otherwise, the Guest user will be added as a separate user to PPM Express. 

The Last Sync option shows the date and time of the last synchronization. 

If the synchronization fails, a corresponding notification will be sent to the emails provided in the Recipients field of the Data Synchronization settings. 

PPM Express People Management

Please note: If there are not enough license user seats to synchronize users to PPM Express, the synchronization will fail, and a corresponding notification will be shown on the tenant settings page. 

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